Dec 24, 2016

Week 2&3 of Dec Hols

Heya!! Today's Christmas Eve and I'm only left with 2 weeks of holidays. Feels kinda weird, for the first time I'm actually excited and looking forward to the start of the next sem, yet I wish that the holidays could be abit longer too as I'm also afraid of what's to come. I can't deny the fact that I'm so excited to take 2 geog mods next sem though HAHA :D Really hoping to pull my CAP up abit more to around 4.2 (I need 2 A- next sem??) or just maintain what I have now till Y2S2 to apply for double degree :)) After telling my mum about it, she asked if I had the determination to work that hard and I'm surprised that I actually said YES hahahah even if it doesn't work out I guess I'll reach where I'm supposed to be eventually and I hope I'll take whatever that route is without any regrets ya!! Back to the main purpose of this post haha, I think that this is the first holiday where I really enjoyed myself as I did not have to do any homework HAHA. We all know that holidays from primary school to JC were never really "holidays" due to the holiday presents given by our teachers lmao. But this was the first time (ok second if you count the break between A levels and Uni but I always feel like I wasted that holiday working :/) I did not really  have to worry about anything hehe. Besides my geog/global studies modules planning that burnt 3-4 of my nights and days heh but that was for the greater good :')
For the second and third week of holidays, I went out almost everyday, meeting friends that I didn't see over the school term and also...CAPT peeps whom I've been separated from for barely 2 weeks HAHA yes we are overly attached and it is so heart-warming to actually feel like this. Seriously I can go on forever about CAPT, but it's truly the best decision and thing that happened to me probably in my entire life :')
Monday, 12 Dec
Went CUCLING with baes hehe proud of Seanne who improved so much in one day HAHAH :) Thank you all for trusting me and sorry for breaking that trust HAHAHAHA omg but we'll never know if we never tried that THERE'S NO SHORTCUT BACK FROM DOUBLE HELIX BRIDGE TO ECP. We had to go one big round to Kallang Stadium and even had to carry our bikes up the bridge to avoid an even longer path OMG. Cycled for 2hours (more like raced back) to the bike shop and we were damn lucky that we weren't charged extra despite exceeding the time limit for more than 30minutes!!
Wednesday, 14 Dec
Do you know that Eatigo is amazing? I know this sounds super "auntie" but hey, who doesn't love discounts on FOOD right? We booked the 4pm timeslot for Marche @ Suntec and we got 50% off!!!!! 50% off on ala carte plus splitting the bill among 3 people = FEASTING TIME HOHO (looking forward to Tuesday heheheheehe round 2) :D Time to use Eatigo peeps. Make your tummy a happy tummy and save your wallet from crying :) 
Thursday, 15 Dec
We were supposed to have a SAC meeting for week 2/3 welcome dinner next sem...but it ended up as a movie outing :P Germaine told us that Singtel users had 50% off movie tix so we rushed to the Cathay haha but when we reached there they were giving out free tix to Rogue One!!!!! OMG. Always thought that Star Wars was fascinating although I never watched any of the movies or read the books...Probably next sem :') After the movie ended at 9, we bought Makisan and had our meeting at SOTA and went home about 12.

Friday, 16 Dec 
Never thought I'll meet someone off Tinder again but I did LMAO. But it was a meal not a date la. Just glad that I made the first move to talk to him when normally I don't initiate convos HAHA I was really too bored that day. Sad that we had to bond over a tragic topic lol but thankful to have met you! Never stayed up late till 4am talking to someone so many times before about anything and everything. I really love getting to know genuine people (and understand the different MBTIs). We are almost complete opposites and perhaps that's how we are still talking now even after so many weeks. My first ESTJ friend (Seanne is ISTJ the true complete opposite of me haha) but this just proves that the test isn't 100% reliable since we are similar in so many ways eg. morals / way we talk. We may stop talking soon since school is starting soon, with me overloading and your final sem before being attached to a hosp everyday omg med life is tough but I'll always be here if you need a listening ear (even if we don't meet again haha). Ok time to delete tinder once I find kaikai and superlike him HAHAHAHA. 

Monday, 19 Dec 
"I really believe some things are meant to happen". Went out with dan to buy gifts for our respective comms but we ended up not buying anything wth hahahha. I was rlly torn between going out for dinner with him, or with the guys to upper thomson or with parents at marche. But since I already ate marche last week and I jioed dan first, we went Saizeriya for omnomnoms hehe. Really love our friendship la like we can openly tease and care for each other, but you know nothing is going on lmao. Angmoh and sk and benn and km and xk too. Y'all truly the bros I never had and I'm so thankful I met y'all <3 Anyways we tried to find exotic/weird/interesting gifts but most of them were above $10 :( so we gave up and I convinced dan to go to the library to find korean textbooks with me and he reluctantly came and complained that he won't talk to me for 30 days (because I borrowed 3 books, 1 book = 10 days HAHA) if liverpool lost that night (THANK GOODNESS FOR THE LAST MINUTE GOAL HAHAHAHA). Other than that it was a meh day. 
Tuesday, 20 Dec
WEW impromptu dinner with gan hehe we were supposed to eat marche  @suntec but we were late by 5minutes oops. Reserved some jap restaurant at Esplanade and we had a feast :> BUT IT WAS MEH. No wonder it needs to promote itself on Eatigo. Even Watami is better oops. Paid $39 (after 50%) for everything in the pic below. I feel that we could have eaten a nicer feast at chomp chomp honestly. Walked to GBTB to burn off the fats and hobo-ed outside MBS afterwards with a drink hehe love peaceful moments like this with you <3 !! LOOKING FORWARD TO OUR CYCLING DATE NEXT TUES :D 
Wednesday, 22 Dec
Floorball friendly + went to visit Levis at KTPH.
Went for floorball only because more than 50% of the peeps are from roc HAHAHA but it was fun :) Made a new friend, Zi Rui!! And realised Fu Kai looks scarily similar to one of the seniors from nyjc....Lost 5-7 but it was not bad considering that was the first time we played together as a team :> We went to 925 to eat our dinner after 

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