Apr 6, 2016


Life | Pics of March

Just posting some pictures to round up March :) let the photos do the talking!!!

As you can see, I have no life outside of work LOL but they are nice people so it's all good :) 
Celebrated the two guys (boys) birthday in March...how long will this last? It's sad that we'll definitely drift apart after we stop working there and go to uni.....but I decided to take things positively and make every single day left there count. Guess they'll never see this, but thanks for making my first quarter of 2016 a fun and memorable one. I won't forget the times we sang karaoke in the shop (tbh everyday haha), the good food and jokes we shared, getting through busy nights and crazy orders together, enduring moumouren till he left (HALLELUJAH PART TIMERS 1 - moumouren 0) , and just making each other's life much happier at work, that it doesn't seem like work to me at all. Everytime I go to work I feel like I'm gonna meet fun friends and have a great time and stuff myself with food HAHAHA it wouldn't be the same without anyone of you. To those who made life difficult for us, thank you too, for making me see how unreasonable some people can be and learn from their mistakes, telling myself never to be like them heh. IT HAS BEEN A GOOD 3 MONTHS. Idk if I'll find another job, but I will definitely come back to work (play) whenever I can :) 

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