Jul 26, 2016


It really sucks to say this but, I haven't felt this way ever since A levels ended. In the midst of all that studying frenzy, I always questioned myself what I was studying for. The short term and most practical answer was of course to get into a university. But really, what was I studying so hard for?Everyone harps on stuff like life-long learning, yes, I do agree with that, but ultimately I guess being typical Singaporeans, the stereotype is just to study, get into a good uni, graduate with honours and set off to find a job and work for a few years before you settle down with your other half and start a new life together. Being someone with so much wanderlust and curiousity about everything else that's happening in the world, it just feels like there are too many things for me to grasp, too much information for my now rusty brain to process and too much feelings for me to absorb and truly understand. Everything suddenly feels so overwhelming, and it feels like I'm just being drowned by the crashing waves all around me with no life buoy in sight haha. Maybe I really should have taken a gap year, maybe I should have just went for NUS environmental studies or Biz. But here I am stuck in FASS hahaha contemplating to study either geography or global studies for the next 4 years. What can I do with both degrees right haha aishhhh chances are if you are in FASS it won't be easy finding a job anyway, and even if you do find one, it is most likely that it isn't related to your major LOL. But here I am still frustrated over what to major, thinking that psychology has no good future job prospects (which is very true unless you have a master's degree....), and that studying geography limits me to being a geog cher or doing a govt related job, and global studies is just......a complete question mark :x It's a totally new major and carries so much risk with it if I decide to major in that, plus its a pretty demanding course with its language requirements (I can take Korean and really enjoy it). I really wanted to take global studies because it gave me the flexibility to study modules from all over the faculty, but now the rose-tinted glasses have been lifted off as I found out that there are so many prerequisites for the modules for GL....its really a GL major man giving me so much frustrations before I even study it...but I'm not going to give up since I've wanted this all along. LEGGO PONG you can do this shit (hopefully)

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