Jun 9, 2020

last results day EVER - reflecting on university part 1

In less than 2 hours, I'll be receiving a text from NUS with the results for my final semester here. I started out this space with an intention of updating about life and university reflections back when I was....17/18? Now that I'm turning 23 and leaving university, its a bittersweet feeling to cope with amidst the Covid-19 crisis. The transition to adulthood is never easy, and I had high hopes of accepting a job before leaving school. However, back in April I chose to reject an offer while pending another one, and ultimately decided to take a break from working after hustling non-stop since May last year. Perhaps its the 'wrong' choice given the severity of the health crisis that has caused travel to cease and businesses to suffer at unprecedented levels. Thankfully, I'm not the same person I was before I entered university. University was not just a place where I completed my degree, but learnt more about life and accumulated experiences that changed my mindset and outlook in life :) Just gonna list some lessons that I've learnt for memory sake heh.

1. Grow where you are planted.

The 'growth' mindset is probably the biggest change that happened to me, with experiences like CAPTSlam that drastically boosted my self-confidence and convinced myself that self-doubt should take a backseat in life. I am enough, and I just have to keep improving. It seems contradictory, and I'm still finding the right balance but its important to stay positive, be humble yet believe in yourself.

2. Everyone has a different path in life. 

More often than not, we find ourselves comparing to our peers and wondering why they are doing better than us or wishing to be where they are. What I've come to realise is that everyone has a different timeline and different path to take, and everyone is special as we are result of all the past choices we have made and will make. There is comfort in just slowing down and looking back on how far we have come to appreciate our own achievements and have faith that the future will be a rewarding one.

3. Everything happens for a reason, and it will be okay 

Not to say we can just slack, but as long as we are doing our best, I believe we can and should worry less about the future and avoid overthinking. Even if something doesn't work out the way you wanted it to be, it might actually be for the better and something more suitable will find its way to us.

4. All you need is a moment of courage to step out of your comfort zone 

It is uncomfortable to step out of our comfort zones, but it will definitely be worth it if one manages to summon up enough courage to YOLO and go ahead with what they are afraid of doing. Many experiences that I value today are a result of throwing caution to wind and it helped me discover new things about myself that I wouldn't otherwise know of, got to meet new people out of my social circles and created memories that are very special and dear to my heart.

5. Results really isn't everything, make the most out of university life

Easy to say but I know its still hard to stop expecting so much from ourselves after growing up in this education system that always focused on grades. I'm glad there's been changes that emphasize the holistic education experience and hopefully future generations will feel less pressure to 'excel'!! University life has been a rollercoaster experience that I would never trade for in life, and probably my best 4 years so far. I've laughed and smiled alot, but I've also cried and experienced stressful situations that have made me grow into who I am today. If I could go back in time to give myself advice, I would tell myself that I made the right choice to balance work and play, but I should have done it earlier and stop stressing about getting my results back on track.

That's the top few thoughts I have right now while reflecting on my university life so far!! ok results are out BRB PROCESSING MY FEELINGS :)

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