Dec 24, 2016

Week 2&3 of Dec Hols

Heya!! Today's Christmas Eve and I'm only left with 2 weeks of holidays. Feels kinda weird, for the first time I'm actually excited and looking forward to the start of the next sem, yet I wish that the holidays could be abit longer too as I'm also afraid of what's to come. I can't deny the fact that I'm so excited to take 2 geog mods next sem though HAHA :D...
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Dec 11, 2016

Week 1 of Dec Hols

Hahahahahahah first week of holidays gone just like that OH NO. All I did this week was to repay my sleep debt haha plus catch up on my kdramas and planning modules (took me two full days and I've not confirmed my next sem mods yet this is draining). Feels good to be home though hehe it rlly feels like I'm a kid again, with my mum buying my favourite breakfasts...
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Dec 4, 2016

Y1S1 2016/17 Reflections

My first semester in NUS has officially ended, with me typing this on the last day I'm living in my room, in CAPT for this sem. It has been a rollercoaster ride this sem, with too many things happening that eventually overwhelmed me, and I've realised that I have so much space for personal development, so much more to learn and to achieve. Since it's a free...
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