Mar 24, 2016


Start of something new!

♥ Heyaaaa! As the title of this post suggests, this blog shall serve as a new platform for me to record down the start of a new chapter in my life. I'm currently waiting to get into university (with around 1 week left to apply..heh I'm pretty good at procrastinating) and life is getting pretty interesting and eventful. For the past few weeks, I have been lurking around the internet, surfing for more information on NUS modules and bloghopping made me miss the times I used to blog in the past (albeit childishly, but hey, everyone was childish once right? hehe) and thus, TA-DAAAA I just gave birth to this blog at 2am on 24/3/2016! You ain't my first child, but I'll love you abit more than the others ;) 
I plan to use this blog to write posts on happenings in my life, reviews on books, dramas, songs and foods, and also academic related stuff once I enter uni, since I know how useful and important reviews about modules are now (its the real experience that counts, although they may vary, and gives more insight than CORS website) plus perhaps my thoughts on some current affairs/news.
So yup, just a short hello! post for today, and I hope I'll keep this blog alive (RIP to my other blogs oops :( )  and that any info that I post here in the future will be of use to others in need of it :) 
I have work tomorrow, so I'll just do a short summary of what's going on in my life now! 
Currently working at ewf and looking for another job since I can't imagine working there till july :/ I guess I shouldn't post work-related stuff here though. Really glad that I got to meet some gems there and I enjoyed most of my time working for the past 2.5 months. I'm grateful that I got a chance to try something new; making coffee, house drinks, desserts etc! I may not have my own motto or stuff like that, but I know that I'm a sucker for trying out new things, learning new stuff, interacting with more people and making friends in the process! 
Okay moving on haha, I just finished watching ♥ Six Flying Dragons ♥ /sobs/ and I must say the entire 50 episodes were AMAZIIIIING ! 
HE CAN ACT. and I don't say that about actors often.
btw credits to! I LOVE THIS TUMBLR

I hardly love watching historical dramas (ok I kid, I love all korean dramas, but definitely not as much as modern dramas as they are slower and more politics-centered I feel?) BUT THIS WAS TRULY A BEAUTY. This isn't a review post so I'll save my words on this and write a good review that it deserves when I have time soon! 
Current dramas I'm watching:
1. Descendants of the Sun (Actually it's not that great like the hype suggests, maybe just for the eyecandies though heh)
plot? checked. cast? DEFINITELY CHECKED!!! 

2. Please Come Back, Mister
3. Marriage Contract
I intend to end off my posts with a quote that I like/inspires me because I personally feel that quotes are so beautiful and meaningful. 
Today's quote is one that has sticked with me through the years, 
I know I'm made of mistakes, disappointments, and failures, but trust me, there's a part of me worth keeping
Over and out! ♥ (too much DotS hehe bye!!)

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